Ah, Sunday morning is here. What a wonderful day to be able to sleep in, right? I have been waking up at around 5 or 6 am for the past few weeks. A window in the bedroom doesn't have a proper curtain in it, so it doesn't block any light. When the sun starts to rise, I wake up. This isn't that great for someone who usually works nights.

I had all these grand plans to make blueberry pancakes this morning and ended up not doing it. I, honestly, opened a bucket of M&Ms and at a few of those. It's not really the breakfast of champions and probably not a breakfast that I would suggest to others.

My partner's heading to India this week so I need to try to get him ready to go. He'll be gone for a few weeks so I'll be by myself. I guess that's okay... I miss living by myself sometimes. My mother-in-law isn't doing very well at the moment so he's headed back to spend some time with her. I would do the same thing if I was him. I want him to be able to spend good quality time with her and not have to worry about me as well.

I'm also back to work this week. I've been off for a month, but need to get back to earning some money. :) We kinda need that sort of thing. 

Anyway, I hope everyone's doing well... taking care of yourselves. I will be back later, eh?